When the body is in a state of dehydration, many substrates and neurotransmitters
are influenced by circulating vasopressin
(antidiuretic hormone) and angiotensin II (1,2).
Dehydration can increase levels of cortisol (3).
Interestingly, even a decrease in cell volume caused by hypohydration
promotes insulin resistance
Conditions dehydrating insulin target tissues such as hyperosmolarity or
amino acid deprivation are associated with insulin resistance;
blockage of the cell volume response to insulin may be the common denominator
in dehydration-induced insulin resistance (4).
As a consequence of dehydration, the
blood–brain barrier permeability is altered by serotonergic and dopaminergic
systems, potentially causing central nervous
system dysfunction if dehydration is prolonged (7).
Chronic dehydration influence inhibitory and excitatory activities of the brain by increasing aminobutyric acid and glutamate levels (8), by stimulating γ-aminobutyric acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, to synthesize and release antidiuretic hormone (9).
Chronic dehydration influence inhibitory and excitatory activities of the brain by increasing aminobutyric acid and glutamate levels (8), by stimulating γ-aminobutyric acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, to synthesize and release antidiuretic hormone (9).
Even mild dehydration produces significant changes at the neural level:
total brain volume shrinkage and over-recruitment of specific brain areas
during cognitively demanding tasks (10).
Hyperhydrating means drinking more water than you could possibly need,
so much fluid that you dilute the amount of sodium in your blood. The low
sodium level can cause a cerebral edema, swelling of the brain, leading to
death. Sodium
and potassium
are essential electrolytes. An inadequate amount of sodium in the blood is defined as
"hyponatremia” (11).
Women’s menstrual cycle phase
influences body water, during the luteal phase total body water can increase up
to 2 kg (12,13).
Water intoxication
Water intoxication can lead to life-threatening hyponatremia,
which can result in central nervous system edema, lung congestion, and muscle
weakness (14). Hyponatremia can also occur from excessive fluid intake, underreplacement
of sodium, or both during or after prolonged endurance athletic events. This is
common during marathon events (15). For example 13% of the athletes who
finished the 2002 Boston Marathon were in a hyponatremic state (16).
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