meta-analysis suggests that multiple-sets (3-6) per exercise
(per session) is associated with 40% greater hypertrophy-related Effect Size
than 1 set, in both trained and
untrained subjects (1). However there is one critique of that meta-analysis
(2), with the authors suggesting that only one set per exercise to failure is necessary
meta-analysis supports the notion that higher-volume, multiple-set protocols is
superior over single set protocols for hypertrophy, for untrained subjects, with the difference becoming more evident as
progression occurs (4).
a recent study done in previously trained
males, training volume was a significant contributor to strength and
hypertrophy adaptations, which occur independent of specific repetition ranges
progressive overload, this suggests that volume is the most important factor
for the hypertrophic response.
A systematic review and meta-analysis also
reveals a dose-response relationship between weekly resistance training volume
and increases in muscle mass. Hypertrophy
progressively increases from 1-4 weekly sets per muscle group per week, to 5-9
weekly sets per muscle group per week, and then 10+ sets per muscle group per
week (6). There was insufficient data to establish where the maximum threshold
Contraction Types
There are different types of muscle contraction, the concentric or
positive motion; the eccentric or negative; isometric. There is a
difference in muscle-fiber recruitment and activation in each contraction and
thus a different in force production.
Muscles achieve higher absolute forces when
contracting eccentrically (7,8,9).
Eccentric strength is approximately 20–50% greater than the concentric
strength (10), even predicted to be up to 64% greater (11), and stimulates
greater adaptations (12) and appears to be more effective at increasing
muscle mass than concentric training.
Eccentric exercise
preferentially recruit fast twitch muscle fibers (13,14,15,16) and
perhaps recruitment of previously inactive MUs (14,17). This results in an increased
mechanical tension in type II fibers, which have the greatest potential for
muscle growth (13,18,19,20). A single bout of eccentric exercise results also in a
greater increase in IGF-I mRNA expression than a single bout of concentric
exercise (21).
Heavy negatives, assisted negatives, or
supramaximal eccentric actions with a weight greater than concentric 1RM are
some techniques that can applied for this goal. Since a muscle is not fully
fatigued during concentric training (22), the use of heavy negatives is
recommended. There’s also the use of a flywheel or isokinetic equipment to
overload the ECC phase (23), but in this case the contractions can be below the
concentric 1RM, but at the end of the set there’s more total volume/load for
the eccentric actions.
Isometric contractions
consists in holding a static contraction, the muscle doesn’t shorten or
lengthen. Isometric muscle actions can also induce hypertrophy (24,25) and
should be included in a training program.
Contraction speed
Faster concentric repetitions (1s vs. 3s) are more
beneficial for hypertrophy (26). Faster/heavier eccentric repetitions leads to greater hypertrophy in type II
fibers, and strength gains than slower/lighter eccentric repetitions (27). Faster
speed eccentric contractions release more growth factors, more
satellite cells, and greater protein synthesis than slow speed eccentric
contractions (28,29). A 2-3 second tempo is hypothesized to be ideal for maximizing
a hypertrophic response (28).
Very slow
velocities (i.e., superslow training) is suboptimal
for strength and hypertrophy (30,31,32). There are some proponents of superslow
training, and some studies have been published in nonpeer-reviewed articles.
For example a study by Westcott (33) claimed superslow to be slighter superior
for strength than traditional
training (for elderly individuals), although the results were not statistically
significant, and it wasn’t peer-reviewed.
The majority of
the literature indicates superslow training to be suboptimal for general
populations. Special populations may benefit from this, injured individuals or elderly suffering from osteoporosis, as it was developed for
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