Hydration: How to Assess Your Hydration Status

Despite several water intake recommendations, a better way to monitor hydration levels may be through markers such as urine color (1).

Although dilution methods to determine total body water via plasma osmolality measurement are the most accurate, valid, and sensitive ways, they are not practical for most situations (2,3), but total body mass and urine color when used in conjunction is a good way to assess hydration status (2,3).

Significant changes in urine color occur within 24 h of modifying fluid intake volume (16) suggesting that individuals can use urine color monitoring as a simple way of evaluating the adequacy of their fluid intake (17).

First-morning urine should look like pale yellow (1), indicating the normal and expected presence of some waste products from metabolism overnight. This color corresponds to a state of euhydration (4,5) (it shouldn´t look like water, or anything dark), 5 clear urinations per day with two after training is a good rule of thumb.

Thirst is initially perceived when a body weight deficit of 1–2 % exists (6,7), fluid consumption should be adequate to avert the perception of thirst. Thirst signals any imbalances of the osmolality of fluids and tissues (the electrolyte concentration), and the total amount of water in our body (volume).


Dehydration is characterized by weight loss, confusion, dry skin that is hot to the touch, and possibly an elevated core body temperature. In a hot climate, dehydration can be dangerous and result in thermal injury. Other causes of dehydration can be excess diarrhea, vomiting due to GI dysfunction, kidney disease, and diuretic medications

Thirst may be a poor measure of hydration because of the lag between the physiological dehydration and the thirst signal. Special populations require more attention, elderly are less sensitive to the thirst mechanism due to the deterioration of osmoreceptor sensitivity (2,8-12); and children are inexperienced in interpreting the thirst response (13,14). 

Older adults are also at higher risk for reduced kidney filtration function, which results in less efficient water conservation (when dehydrated), further exacerbating difficulties in recognizing a dehydrated state (15).

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1. Lawrence E. Armstrong (2005). Hydration assessment techniques. NutrRev 63, S40–S54.
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3. Sawka M, Burke LM, Eicher ER, et al. Exercise and fluid replacement. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 39:377–390.
4. Armstrong LE, Soto JA, Hacker FT Jr, Casa DJ, Kavouras SA, Maresh CM: Urinary indices during dehydration, exercise, and rehydration. Int J. Sport Nutr 8:345–355, 1998.
5. Armstrong LE, Maresh CM, Castellani JW, Bergeron MF, Kenefick RW, LaGasse KE, Riebe D: Urinary Indices of Hydration Status. Int J Sport Nutr 4:265–279, 1994.
6. Greenleaf JE, Morimoto T: Mechanisms controlling fluid ingestion: thirst and drinking. In Buskirk ER, Puhl SM (eds): “Body Fluid Balance: Exercise and Sport.” Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,1996.
7. Hubbard RW, Szlyk PC, Armstrong LE: Influence of thirst and fluid palatability on fluid ingestion during exercise. In Gisolfi CV, Lamb DR (eds): “Perspectives in Exercise Sciences and Sports Medicine. Fluid Homeostasis During Exercise.” Indianapolis: Benchmark Press Inc, 1990.
8. Begum MN & Johnson CS (2010) A review of the literature on dehydration in institutionalized elderly. e-Spen Eur e-J Clin Nutr Metab 5, e47–e53.
9. Mentes J (2006). Oral hydration in older adults: greater awareness is needed in preventing, recognizing, and treating dehydration. Am J Nurs 106, 40–49.
10. Rolls BJ & Phillips PA (2009). Aging and disturbances of thirst and fluid balance. Nutr Rev 48, 137–144.
11. Binkley HM, Beckett J, Casa DJ, et al. National Athletic Trainers’ Association position statement: exertional heat illnesses. J Athl Train. 2002;37:329–343.
12. Phillips PA, Rolls BJ, Ledingham JG, et al. Reduced thirst after water deprivation in healthy elderly men. N Engl J Med. 1984;311:753–759
13. D’Anci K, Constant F & Rosenberg I (2006). Hydration and cognitive function in children. Nutr Rev 64, 457–464.
14. Kenney WL & Chiu P (2001). Influence of age on thirst and fluid intake. Med Sci Sports Exerc 33, 1524–1532.
15. Mentes J (2006). Oral hydration in older adults: greater awareness is needed in preventing, recognizing, and treating dehydration. Am J Nurs 106, 40–49. 
16. Perrier E, Demazieres A, Girard N, Pross N, Osbild D, Metzger D, Guelinckx I, Klein A. Circadian variation and responsiveness of hydration biomarkers to changes in daily water intake. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113:2143–2151. doi: 10.1007/s00421-013-2649-0.

17. Erica T. Perrier Evan C. Johnson, Amy L. McKenzie, Lindsay A. Ellis, and Lawrence E. Armstrong. Urine colour change as an indicator of change in daily water intake: a quantitative analysis. Eur J Nutr. 2016; 55: 1943–1949.